Monday, September 8, 2008

the blog on birds

As we mentioned last week, we’re launching a Cornell Lab of Ornithology photo-sharing group on flickr, appropriately named Birdshare. We encourage you to join and add your bird photos to the pool.

Way back on this blog’s first comments, amid all your helpful suggestions and bird stories, several people mentioned they’d like to see more bird photos on the All About Birds species accounts. Soon, other readers chimed in, offering to contribute photos for such a purpose. This group is a first step in that direction.

The flickr group will be first and foremost a place to share photos - and to discuss identifications, plumages, behavior, artistic merit, anything that strikes you. Think of it as a sort of visual extension of this blog. We’ll link the photo pool to our sidebar so you can see the latest images when you come here.

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